Movie themed weddings have taken the industry by storm a few years back already. This one is especially for all the Harry Potter fans out there.

Harry Potter Fan Pack 2.0 by cherryonkpop Hogwards Wardrobe (Fan Made Stuff Pack) by iSandor Quidditch Jumper by Mal Quidditch Robes by Mal Chikkadii’s Marauder Jacket by chikkadii-sims Harry Potter Paintings by cherryonkpop Owl Accs by Natalia-Auditore Simlish Harry Potter Pack by silverhammersims Harry Potter Tattoos by sagittariahx Harry Potter Books (Readable) by KaraStars Hogwards House Ghosts Paintings by simplistic-sims4 Harry Potter Fan Pack by cherryonkpop La Friperie K-Asual 7 Hogwarts Tees by tech-hippie Harry Potter – The Deathly Hallow (Necklace) by Miguel Creations TS4 Deathly Hallows Earrings by ladyfancyfeast Five Quidditch Wallpapers by Potterhead Sims Nimbus2000 Functional Broom by Severinka_ Dumbledore Accessories by Philosimy Hermione Granger by Daenerys and TS4 Hogwarts Button-Up by llazyneiph Fan Made Stuff Pack: Pufferhead Stuff by MLys Makes CC Harry Potter Wall Art by Miss Mel Harry Potter’s Lightning Bolt Scar for TU-AU by Slums (a3ru) Harry Potter Fan Pack 2. The Sims Resource - Sims 4 - Dining Room - Kiolometro - Medieval Bakery.