This Mod changes the way the Heel Command works: Loot_BirthCertificate.xml object_BirthCertificate.xml HaveBabyAtHospital.xml Patch 1.97.42 Update - Patch 1.96.365 Update ( a lot of Mods use XML Injector now, instead of having their own Script File) - Update of Polish Translation by nenusia20 Vampire, Mermaids, Spellcaster, and Werewolves get unique Certificates instead of the “Human” one.When sending your Sim to the Hospital to have a Baby (Rabbithole) they’ll get a Certifcate as well.This small Mod changes a few things regarding the Brith Certificate which got added with Get to Work: This little tuning mod adds a “30-Minute Power Workout” interaction to the Treadmill, Punching Bag and Workout Machine as well as a 30 Minutes Swimming Option to the Pool ladder.

asons_tuning.xml Season_Summer.xml Season_Spring.xml Season_Fall.xml Season_Winter.xml